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You searched Index 3: Subject Headings for "subversive activities - china"

    15  subversive activities - china
     1  subversive internet aufsaetze
     1  subversive ping pong
     2  subvert
     1  subvert democracy:
     2  subverting
     1  subverting elections:
     1  subverting hong
     1  subverting hong kong's autonomy
     3  subview
     2  subways
     1  subways during
     2  sucai
     4  succeed
     1  succeeds
    14  success
     1  success in
     1  success invites scrutiny and warrants wisdom and benevolence
     2  success of
     1  success of its economy poses a serious challenge to liberal
     1  success of the qinmin strategy
     1  success require
     1  success story
     1  success'
     1  successes
     5  successful
     1  successful beijing olympics
     1  successful test
     1  successful:
     5  successfully

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University of Heidelberg, Germany
Data last updated: 04.03.2021
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